
University of Würzburg

The history of Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg reaches back as far as 1402. At that time, it was the sixth institution of higher education to be founded in the German-speaking regions of Europe, after the universities in Prague, Vienna, Heidelberg, Cologne, and Erfurt.

Renowned Scientists

Many eminent scholars and scientists, 14 Nobel Laureates among them, have conducted research and taught in Würzburg. Notable scientists include Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, who discovered X-rays in Würzburg in 1895, and Klaus von Klitzing, who discovered the Quantum-Hall Effect.

An Extensive Choice of Subjects

In addition to the four classic subjects – medicine, theology, philosophy, and law – the university also offers many new degree programs. The most recent additions include Nanostructure Technology, Functional Materials, Games Engineering, Modern China, Digital Humanities, Media Communications, Human Factors in Computing Systems, and Museology, just to name a few.   

Main Research

JMU remains strongly committed to eight pillars

  • Life Sciences
  • Health Sciences
  • Molecular Chemistry and Materials
  • Quantum Phenomena in New Materials
  • Digital Society
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Norms and Behavior
  • Global Changes
